Babies & Kids
Soft, soft cotton baby blankets and wraps, cute stuffed toys to hang from prams, and all sorts of carefully curated bits and pieces for the precious little bundles that we all love to spoil. Natural fibres, produced ethically and handmade into beautiful pieces are just the right start for the leaders of the future, and at Merchant Campbell, we're very aware that the right start in life is now more important than ever.
- Baby cotton doharsoft red monkey bassinetpink fountain with red bias bassinetgreen tile bassinetsoft black dot bassinetgreen monkey bassinetblue monkey bassinetpink paisley cotpink elephant cotgreen leaf cotgreen monkey cotaqua paisley cotapricot monkey cotapricot star cotnavy paisley cotsoft red monkey cotblue monkey cotyellow dot bassinetAvailable in 17 colors
Choose options - Plain journal with hand made recycled cotton paper pagesaquapinkmatt blackAvailable in 3 colors
Choose options - heart box (set of three)candy pink w gold highlightssilverAvailable in 2 colors
Choose options - Round bamboo bin w contrasting trimgreenaquapinknavywhiteAvailable in 5 colors
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